About Us

Newton's Apple Public School

Newton’s Apple Public  School situated in Malayanur-Vill , Pennagarm Tk, Dharmapuri-District , Tamilnadu. The school is surrounded by lofty mountains with full of nature.

As the oldest continuously run educational institution, Newton’s Apple Public  School remains committed to providing an academically rigorous education to students who will walk out of school ready for lives of leadership and service to their community. From literacy to music and art, each day at the Newton’s Apple Public  School  is filled with activities that are both enriching and fun.

It has been my endeavour to provide an environment that fosters curiosity, encourages learning and the pursuit of excellence. I have strived for excellence in the holistic development of our pupils with values, innovation and knowledge. Through our sustained commitment to add value to our pupil’s life, I believe the true meaning of education goes beyond the conventional curriculum. I recognize the importance of creating a conducive environment for our pupils, to lay a strong foundation based on principles and inculcate the right values to transform our pupils into productive members of society.
Mr. Jagadesan. M - Founder Chairman
Education is a lifelong process which is to be nurtured with love and care. It must be built on a firm and broad foundation for students to excel in life. Our aim is to prepare our students with the intellectually-stimulated learning which drives concept learning and practical approach which are necessary to meet the challenges in both academics and life skills. We encourage our students to believe in themselves and their strengths. The policy of the school is to strengthen the child with the necessary skills to face the future.
Mr. Arunkumar G – Founder Secretary
Everybody is genius” But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. So like children, every child is potentially divine and unique! To identify is our duty & to discover oneself is child’s duty. As an educator, I have a mission to make sure that every student of the school receives the best education. It is the one we all can agree on and one that matters immensely to me. It starts with access to high-quality learning opportunities and continues with a great school – a school ready for the future challenges.
Mr. Babu. S - Founder Correspondent